Sweet Melons
Besides their cooling and soothing effects, melons are a nutritious punch offering a variety of health benefits. They lower the risk of heart disease by smoothing the blood in the body, as well as providing a soothing effect due to its high water content which relieves heartburn.
The excellent diuretic properties of sweet melons are even beneficial in curing kidney disease. The combination of melon and lemon is effective in curing gout. Thus, regular consumption of melons every day in the morning helps in maintaining kidney health.
Thus, regular consumption of melons every day in the morning helps in maintaining kidney health.They are a great energy booster, maintain healthy skin and hair, aid in digestive health and weight loss!
Tastes Best With:
- Sweet and savory skewers
- Ice creams and sorbets
- Tarts
- Sauces
- Sherbets
- Smoothies

Thorn Melons
Many consider Thorn Melons as a symbol of long life because of its nutrients and medicinal attributes. They aid in weight loss as they have a water content of almost eighty percent. Thorn melon is low in fats and calories; therefore, it is consumed mostly by people who have issues with their weight.
Thorn melons also promote eye health. The content of vitamin A is very essential in Thorn Melon which makes it a valuable fruit and booster for the eyes. It increases metabolism and is a stress reliever, is a natural source of antioxidants, can improve cognitive ability and bone strength, and most impressively, thorn melons prevents abnormalities and in a fetus and anemia in an expecting mother as its jam packed with minerals and vitamins needed during the pregnancy.
Tastes Best With:
- Sauces
- Vinaigrettes
- Raitas
- Fruit Salads
- In Yoghurts
- Over ice creams
- Over Sorbets

Watermelons are extremely sweet and juicy and help you feel better on a hot day. They have some amazing health benefits that not many people know of. They aid in digestion, protect against diabetes, and help balance your Ph. In fact, watermelons contain an amino acid called L- citrulline, a restorative acid that helps accelerate the rate of lactic acid removal from your muscles, giving you a quick recovery after a tough workout.
It also reduces the severity and frequency of Asthma attacks, eradicates inflammation, and even reduces the risks of periodontal disease due to its high levels of vitamin c. They are also rich in potassium which helps to regulate nerve function by facilitating the passage of electrical impulses and messages and so protect nerve functions in the body.
Tastes Best With:
- Grilled savory skewers
- Watermelon steaks
- Salads
- Bruschetta
Get in Touch
Head Office: Near Limuru Town
Limuru, Kenya
+254-733 333 376
Head Office: Mon -Fri: 7am – 4pm
Branches: Mon- Sun: 8am – 8pm