Pink Lady Apples
4% of this apple is made up of vitamins and minerals, and it provides ¼ of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C.
They limit ageing cells and reduce the permeability of blood vessels. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and gives you younger looking skin!
Pink Lady apples have an 80% water content and a fibre called pectin, which increases intestinal comfort and reduces levels of cholesterol.
Tastes Best With:
- Dips and salsas
- Salads
- In rice
- Pies and cakes
- Baked or grilled

Granny Smith Apples
Granny Smith greatly improves gut health. The Granny Smith contain non-digestible compounds that actually ferment in the colon. This is very beneficial to many aspects of our health such as High Cholesterol, Osteoporosis, Depression, Anemia, Menstrual Difficulties etc.
Granny Smith Apples even aid in weight loss due to its high water content and also contains fiber making it slow to digest avoiding spiking your blood sugar. They detoxify the liver and improve digestion as well as increase bone strength and improve joint health. Lastly, these apples are great in improving vision, hair and skin!
Tastes Best With:
- Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- Salads
- Green Apple Risotto
- Pies and cakes
- With Barbeque meats

Top Red Apples (Imported)
Studies have shown that it can actually help fight tumours as well as different types of cancer, including lung, breast, and colon tumours. It has also been shown to avert asthma. These apples contain powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals, which help relieve inflamed airways, thereby guarding against asthma, related breathing problems, and general lung function.
Known as Brain food, red apples improve the electrical activity of the brain. They also improve the transmission of signals between neurons in the brain and stimulate brain cells, which is essential in maintaining a healthy and active nervous system.
Tastes Best With:
- In oat meals and cereals
- As a peanut butter sandwich
- Pies and cakes
- As a crumble
- Apple tiramisu

Red Pears
Pears are recommended for the treatment of acne due to the high amounts of vitamins and minerals in it. Ripe pears contain natural sugar called glucitol, which nourishes the scalp, feeds the hair roots and keeps the hair follicles hydrated. The moisturizing properties of pears are useful for reducing the dryness of the scalp. This keeps dandruff, scalp psoriasis and flaking at bay.
They aid in the proper functioning of respiratory organs, improve bone health, heart health, and even mental health as they are a great source of copper.
Tastes Best With:
- Soup
- Poached Pear
- Purees and Chutneys
- Salads
- Sandwiches
- Pies and Cakes
- As a Crumble
Get in Touch
Head Office: Near Limuru Town
Limuru, Kenya
+254-733 333 376
Head Office: Mon -Fri: 7am – 4pm
Branches: Mon- Sun: 8am – 8pm