Mountain Papayas
The possible health benefits of consuming papaya include a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aiding in digestion, improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes, lowering blood pressure, and improving wound healing.
They also have B vitamins, alpha and beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and lycopene, the powerful antioxidant most commonly associated with tomatoes
Tastes Best With:
- Pies and cakes
- Ice cream
- Cooked with sugar syrup
- Smoothies
- fruit salads
- Meat Tenderiser

Hawaai Papayas
Numerous scientific studies tout the benefits of Hawaii papayas as a perfect part of a healthy lifestyle. They’re rich in vitamins A and C, high in potassium and fiber— and despite their lusciousness, they’re a fat-free, cholesterol-free treat you can enjoy guilt-free.
Tastes Best With:
- Ice Creams
- Soups
- Salads
- Dips and Chutneys
- Smoothies

Red Lady Papayas
Delicious and Loaded With Nutrients, this is a sweeter papaya and has powerful antioxidants. Alongside its papaya family, this papaya has anti cancer properties, anti ageing properties, can aid in digestion and improve heart health.
Basically, Papayas are great for health, great for skin and great to fill you up as a snack!
Tastes Best With:
- Yoghurt breakfast bowl
- Wrapped in prosciutto or ham
- Salsas in tacos or enchilladas
- Salads
- Smoothies
- Desserts

Kesar Mangos
This Mango is great for dehydration and sweating. It contains vitamin A which in turn promotes better eyesight and bone development, making it a must-have for children and the elderly. Vitamin C in Kesar boosts general immunity of the body and its high iron content makes the fruit perfect for pregnant women and people suffering from anemia.
Kesar mangos are also known for fighting against a wide range of kidney-related problems, improving sexual health and excellent for hair and skin
Tastes Best With:
- Fried as Crisps or Chips
- As Kababs
- In Stews
- In Sandwiches
- Fried Rice
- In Nachos
- As fries

Apple Mangos
The reddish skin and special nutrients this mango puts it above others.
It helps to lower you Low-Density Lipoprotein Rate. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad cholesterol that becomes the main suspect of coronary heart attack cause which is the most dangerous degenerative disease.
Alongside that, It is also known to inhibit cancer growth, maintain the alkali rate in your body, improve in fertility, and provides a high dose of Vitamin A for your eyes health.
Tastes Best With:
- Boba Tea
- Smoothies
- Salsas
- Fruit cakes and tarts
- Custards
- Bread
- Bagels and toast

Tommy Mangos
Tommy Atkins mangoes are a great source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as a good source of fiber. They also contain folate, vitamin B6 and minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron. Like most mangoes, the Tommy Atkins mango contains enzymes that are beneficial for digestion.
Tastes Best With:
- Marinades and sauces
- Grilled slices
- Salsas
- Fruit cakes and salads
- Pies
- Smoothies and lemonades
Get in Touch
Head Office: Near Limuru Town
Limuru, Kenya
+254-733 333 376
Head Office: Mon -Fri: 7am – 4pm
Branches: Mon- Sun: 8am – 8pm