Arrow Roots
Arrowroots are actually gluten free! It supports healthy digestion, and alongside providing a great substitute to gluten, arrowroot powder is also one of the best substitutes for breast milk. It is effective in curing diarrhea, bronchitis, cough in infants.
It boosts metabolic rate, helps promote healthy sleep, improves kidney health and is good for blood circulation. It is used to treat fungal feet infections, heals the skin and most amazingly, is used as an antidote for some poisons around the world!
Tastes Best With:
- Crisps
- Boiled or steamed
- Chapati
- Stews
- Curries
- Stir Fry
- Bhajia

Deeply rich in colour, beetroots are very healthy and a must add to your daily diet. They are effective in increasing iron levels in the body, preventing cataracts, promoting liver health, and boosting energy! Amazingly, they can even improve sexual health, brain functioning and be beneficial throughout pregnancy! Beetroots really are an all-rounder!
They help control blood sugar levels, aid in digestion, promote liver health, and also help prevent osteoporosis!
Tastes Best With:
- Patties & Cutlets
- Chapati
- Salads
- Curries
- Sauces
- Brownies
- Juices

Considered a superfood, carrots are insanely healthy and can be enjoyed in a number of ways and preparations. They are perhaps most known for their amazing effect on the eyes and improving vision in general. They are loaded with beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin which are essential to eye health.
They are also packed with nutrients and antioxidants that fight off cancer, lower the risk of developing diabetes, and even protect hair and skin cells against the harmful UV rays from the sun, as well as regenerate damaged cells. They help maintain a healthy heart, teeth and gums, improve brain health and cognitive functions, and with loads of fibre, aid in digestion while keeping you full!
Tastes Best With:
- Roasted or Glazed
- Salads
- Carrot Cake
- Noodles
- Soups
- Asian Curries

Cassava is a nutty flavored, starchy tropical root vegetable that has amazing health benefits. It is traditionally eaten boiled, fried, powdered and used as a flour. Some of these benefits include helping smoothen and brighten the skin by turning the peel into a paste and applying it, helps hair grow faster and even reduces hair fall. In fact, cassava is also very beneficial to pregnant women as it contains loads of folate and vitamin c which help maintain a healthy pregnancy!
Did you know that cassava actually helps you overcome headaches and migraines? Yup, in fact, they also help heal wounds similar to aloe vera when applied to a wound, and also clears up worm infestations that happen in the intestine and stomach. They are good for the digestive system, treats diarrhea and are even great for the eyes!
Tastes Best With:
- Fried as Crisps or Chips
- As Kababs
- In Stews
- In Sandwiches
- Fried Rice
- In Nachos

Considered a superfood, ginger is among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet. It contains gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger, and has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. For instance, it may help reduce oxidative stress, which is the result of having an excess amount of free radicals in the body. Ginger can also treat many forms of nausea, especially morning sickness and can even help with weight loss, from reduced body weight, waist-hip ratio and even body mass index!
In fact, it may even drastically lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors, can help treat chronic indigestion, improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. It comes as no surprise that this plant is a superfood. Ginger is also known to help with osteoarthritis as it saw significant reductions in pain and disability, and can help treat chronic indigestion, as well as significantly reduce menstrual pain!
Tastes Best With:
- Tea
- Soups
- Stir fry
- Pickles
- Marinates
- Bisque
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Head Office: Near Limuru Town
Limuru, Kenya
+254-733 333 376
Head Office: Mon -Fri: 7am – 4pm
Branches: Mon- Sun: 8am – 8pm