Vegetables is second nature to Beyond fruits. Its importance is given top priority in terms of nutrition and diet. At Beyond Fruits, we deal in all types of vegetables.. both locally and from all over the world.
Our Quality, Freshness and variety is unmatched giving you vegetables BEYOND imagination.
Bulb vegetables are those variety of vegetables that are not eaten directly on their own, rather, they are used in food dishes to enhance the flavour of the food
These are crop plants from which edible flowers (flowers or entire inflorescences) are commonly used in the preparation of vegetable dishes
A vegetable with a pulpy, seed-rich body which grows on a vine!
“Fungi” in the vegetable sense denotes mushrooms and truffles. The part eaten is the fruiting body.
Leafy Vegetables
These are plant leaves eaten as a vegetable, sometimes accompanied by tender petioles and shoots
These are vegetables that grow under the ground.
Seeds & Pods
Seeds are known as legumes and pods are vegetables eaten, much of the time as they are still green.
Stems and Shoots
The edible stalks of plants when the stalk is the main part of the vegetable
Get in Touch
Head Office: Near Limuru Town
Limuru, Kenya
+254-733 333 376
Head Office: Mon -Fri: 7am – 4pm
Branches: Mon- Sun: 8am – 8pm